Savarese Software Research Corporation
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
ActionConfig.h [code]This header defines the ActionConfig class for configuring Web service actions
AppendToContainer.h [code]This header defines the AppendToContainer template class and its specializations
BindProperties.h [code]This header defines the BindProperties class
call_util.h [code]This header defines utility functions for making Web service calls, primarily for use by unit tests
checkpoint.h [code]This header defines utility functions for checkpointing data structures
CircularFind.h [code]This header defines the CircularFind class
CTypeWrapper.h [code]This header defines the CTypeWrapper class
Database.h [code]This header defines the Database class
DatabaseTransaction.h [code]This header defines the DatabaseTransaction class
DictionaryProtocol.h [code]This header defines the DictionaryProtocol class
DictionaryService.h [code]This header defines the DictionaryService class
DynamicLibrary.h [code]This header defines the DynamicLibrary class
emplace.h [code]This header defines multi-parameter container insertion functions along the lines of C++0x container_type::emplace()
endian.h [code]This header defines functions for determining endianness
EventQueue.h [code]This header defines the EventQueue Web service [code]
FCGIRequest.h [code]This header defines the FCGIRequest class [code]
FCGIResponse.h [code]This header defines the FCGIResponse class
FCGIServiceInitializer.h [code]This header defines the FCGIServiceInitializer template class
FCGIServiceOptions.h [code]This header defines the FCGIServiceOptions template class
GroupSessionDatabase.h [code]This header defines the GroupSessionDatabase class [code]
GroupSessionOptions.h [code]This header defines the GroupSessionOptions class
HTTPRequest.h [code]This header defines the HTTPRequest class
HTTPResponse.h [code]This header defines the HTTPResponse class
HTTPServlet.h [code]This header defines the HTTPServlet class
index.h [code]This header contains documentation only and is not part of the actual source code
IndexService.h [code]This header defines the IndexService class
InitializeLibrary.h [code]This header defines a class that initializes and releases SQLite3 library resources [code]
LoadConfig.h [code]
LoadError.h [code]This header defines the LoadError class
lua.h [code]
map.h [code] [code]
memusage.h [code]This header defines platform-specific functions for retrieving process memory usage
ModuleContext.h [code]
MultiRowOperations.h [code]This header defines the MultiRowOperations class
NumberVisitor.h [code]This header defines the NumberVisitor class
parameter_map.h [code]This header defines the parameter_map typedef and serialization support [code]
parse_query.h [code]This header defines functions for parsing a URL query string
PrependToContainer.h [code]This header defines the PrependToContainer template class and its specializations
print_memusage.h [code]This header defines inline utility functions for printing memory usage to stderr for debugging purposes [code]
database/Properties.h [code]This header defines WSPR_DB_ROW member save/restore support for properties_ptr
lua/Properties.h [code]
utility/Properties.h [code]This header defines the Properties class
properties_ptr.h [code]This header defines a forward declaration for the Properties class and properties_ptr [code]
PropertiesToString.h [code]This header defines the PropertiesToString class
group_session/protocol.h [code]This header defines the GroupSession messaging protocol
login/protocol.h [code]This header defines the Login messaging protocol
protocol.h [code]This header includes all of the classes from the ssrc::wispers::protocol namespace
registry/protocol.h [code]This header defines the Registry messaging protocol
relay/protocol.h [code]This header defines the relay service messaging protocol
renderer/protocol.h [code]This header defines the renderer service messaging protocol
service/protocol.h [code]This header defines the general service messaging protocol
session/protocol.h [code]This header defines the Session messaging protocol
ws/protocol.h [code]This header defines the WebService messaging protocol
Protocols.h [code]This header defines the WSPR protocol framework
Random.h [code]This header defines the Random class
RandomId.h [code]This header defines the RandomId class
RowOperations.h [code]This header defines the RowOperations class
serialization.h [code]This header defines functions for storing and retrieving serializable classes to and from blobs
serialize_shared_ptr.h [code]This header defines serialization functions for boost::shared_ptr to avoid the memory leaks in the boost 1.41.0 implementation and taking advantage that Wispers does not require object tracking or serialization of polymorphic types via base class pointers
serialize_unique_ptr.h [code]This header defines serialization functions for SSRC_UNIQUE_PTR, which may be std::auto_ptr or std::unique_ptr depending on the compilation environment
group_session/ [code]
registry/ [code]
relay/ [code]
renderer/ [code]
service/ [code]
session/ [code]
ws/ [code]
ws_lua/ [code]
fcgi/service.h [code]This header defines the FCGIService abstract template class
group_session/service.h [code]This header defines the GroupSessionService class
registry/service.h [code]This header defines the Registry class
relay/service.h [code]This header defines the Relay service class
renderer/service.h [code]This header defines the Renderer service class
service/service.h [code]This header defines the ServiceProtocolProcessor class
session/service.h [code]This header defines the Session class
ws/service.h [code]This header defines the WebService class
ws_lua/service.h [code]This header defines the Lua Web service class
service_main.h [code]This header defines the service_main utility function template
ServiceMainOptions.h [code]This header defines the ServiceMainOptions class
ServiceTestFixture.h [code]Defines a test fixture for writing Wispers service unit tests [code]
ServletRunner.h [code]This header defines the ServletRunner class
SessionData.h [code]This header defines the SessionData class
StringTo.h [code]This header defines the StringTo class
Timer.h [code]This header defines the Timer class
ToString.h [code]This header defines the ToString class
database/types.h [code]This header defines macros for generating database row objects
group_session/types.h [code]This header defines types used by the GroupSession messaging protocol
login/types.h [code]This header defines types used by the Login messaging protocol
types.h [code]This header defines types shared throughout the system
ws/types.h [code]This header defines types used by Web services
unordered_map.h [code]This header includes <unordered_map> with serialization support [code]
URI.h [code]This header defines the URI class [code]
util.h [code]This header defines Renderer utility functions [code]
uuid_key.h [code]Uuid_key_type serialization and string conversion functions [code]
UUIDGenerator.h [code]This header defines the UUIDGenerator class
VectorBlob.h [code]This header defines the VectorBlob class [code]
WebServiceModule.h [code]This header defines classes for dynamically loading Web service actions [code]
WebServiceRunner.h [code]This header defines the WebServiceRunner class for dynamically loading and running WebServiceModules [code]
WebStrings.h [code]
wispers-packages.h [code]This header defines the macros for the package namespaces
group_session/ws.h [code]This header defines utility functions for GroupSession Web services
login/ws.h [code]This header defines the Login messaging protocol

Savarese Software Research Corporation
Copyright © 2006-2011 Savarese Software Research Corporation. All rights reserved.