Savarese Software Research Corporation
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2006-2009 Savarese Software Research Corporation
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include <ssrc/wispers/group_session/service.h>
00018 #include <ssrc/wispers/ws/protocol.h>
00022 using NS_SSRC_WISP_PROTOCOL::GroupMembershipDisable;
00023 using NS_SSRC_WSPR_WS::WebServiceProtocol;
00025 WISP_IMPORT(WebServiceProtocol, MessageDeliverEvent);
00026 WISP_IMPORT(WebServiceProtocol, MessageDeliverEvents);
00027 WISP_IMPORT(WebServiceProtocol, CallDeliverEvent);
00028 WISP_IMPORT(WebServiceProtocol, CallDeliverEvents);
00030 const string GroupSessionService::EventGroupExpireGroupSession =
00031   GroupSessionProtocol::event_group_expire();
00033 /*********************
00034  * Support Functions *
00035  *********************/
00040 void GroupSessionService::transition(State state) {
00041   switch(state) {
00042   case Starting:
00043     _caller.join(SessionProtocol::event_group_expire());
00044     _caller.join(SessionProtocol::event_group_login());
00045     _caller.join(protocol_traits::service_group());
00046     _caller.join(gs_protocol_group(_protocol_id));
00047     _caller.join(gs_protocol_partition_group(_protocol_id, _partition_id));
00048     check_for_expirations(TimeValue::now_seconds());
00049     _gs_poll_timeout =
00050       schedule_timeout(boost::bind(&GroupSessionService::_check_for_expirations, this, _1), _gs_poll_interval);
00051     state = Started;
00052     break;
00053   case Stopping:
00054     if(_gs_poll_timeout)
00055       cancel_timeout(_gs_poll_timeout);
00056     _caller.leave(gs_protocol_partition_group(_protocol_id, _partition_id));
00057     _caller.leave(gs_protocol_group(_protocol_id));
00058     _caller.leave(protocol_traits::service_group());
00059     _caller.leave(SessionProtocol::event_group_login());
00060     _caller.leave(SessionProtocol::event_group_expire());
00061     if(_caller.group_membership() == GroupMembershipDisable)
00062       state = Stopped;
00063     break;
00064   default:
00065     break;
00066   }
00068   super::transition(state);
00069 }
00071 void GroupSessionService::send_expirations(const gsid_container & gsids) {
00072   unsigned int id_count(0);
00073   GroupSessionProtocol::ExpirationNotification notification;
00074   MessageExpireGroupSession msg;
00075   unsigned int index = gsids.size();
00077   while(index-- > 0) {
00078     const unsigned int uid_count =
00079       _database->get_member_uids(notification.uids, gsids[index]);
00081     if(uid_count > 0) {
00082       notification.gsid = gsids[index];
00083       // count gsid
00084       ++id_count;
00086       if(id_count + uid_count <= _ids_per_expiration_message) {
00087         msg.notifications.push_back(notification);
00088         id_count+=uid_count;
00089         notification.uids.clear();
00090       } else {
00091         // TODO: unit test this section to verify it does what we want.
00092         GroupSessionProtocol::ExpirationNotification n;
00093         unsigned int copy_size, uid_offset = 0;
00094         n.gsid = notification.gsid;
00096         do {
00097           copy_size = _ids_per_expiration_message - id_count;
00099           if(copy_size > 0) {
00100             copy_size = std::min(copy_size, uid_count - uid_offset);
00101             n.uids.insert(n.uids.begin(),
00102                           notification.uids.begin() + uid_offset,
00103                           notification.uids.begin() + (uid_offset + copy_size));
00104             msg.notifications.push_back(n);
00105             n.uids.clear();
00106             uid_offset+=copy_size;
00107             id_count+=copy_size;
00108           }
00110           if(id_count >= _ids_per_expiration_message) {
00111             _caller.send<CallExpireGroupSession>(EventGroupExpireGroupSession,
00112                                                  msg);
00113             msg.notifications.clear();
00114             id_count = (uid_offset < uid_count);
00115           }
00116         } while(uid_offset < uid_count);
00117       }
00118     }
00119   }
00121   if(msg.notifications.size() > 0)
00122     _caller.send<CallExpireGroupSession>(EventGroupExpireGroupSession, msg);
00123 }
00128 unsigned int GroupSessionService::check_for_expirations(const sec_type now) {
00129   unsigned int session_changes(0), reservation_changes(0);
00131   try {
00132     gsid_container gsids;
00134     if(_database->find_expired_gsids(gsids, now) > 0) {
00135       // We have to send the expirations first before the members get dropped.
00136       send_expirations(gsids);
00138       DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00139       session_changes     = _database->remove_expired_sessions(now);
00140       reservation_changes = _database->remove_expired_reservations(now);
00141       transaction.end();
00142     }
00143   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00144     // TODO: log and recover
00145   }
00147   _session_count-=session_changes;
00148   _reservation_count-=reservation_changes;
00150   return (session_changes + reservation_changes);
00151 }
00153 unsigned int GroupSessionService::cancel_reservation(const gsid_type gsid,
00154                                                      const uid_type requestor,
00155                                                      const MessageInfo &)
00156 {
00157   // When we cancel a reservation, we have to remove the metadata,
00158   // but not when we activate it.  When a group session is removed,
00159   // a trigger removes the metadata, but we can't do that for
00160   // reservations because activation removes the reservation.
00161   unsigned int changes = 0;
00163   try {
00164     DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00165     changes = _database->remove_reservation(gsid, requestor);
00166     transaction.end();
00167   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00168     // TODO: log and recover.
00169   }
00171   _reservation_count-=changes;
00173   return changes;
00174 }
00176 /********************
00177  * Service Requests *
00178  ********************/
00183 void
00184 GroupSessionService::process_request(MessageCreateGroupSession & msg,
00185                                      const MessageInfo &)
00186 {
00187   try {
00188     unsigned int count = 0;
00189     const sec_type created(TimeValue::now_seconds());
00190     const sec_type expires = created + msg.lifetime;
00191     GroupSession session(0, created, expires, msg.session_type,
00192                          msg.session_group, msg.session_name,
00193                          msg.max_observers);
00194     DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00196     do {
00197       // TODO: genericize this for similar services and make the try limit
00198       // configurable.
00199       if(++count > 10)
00200         throw DatabaseException("GroupSession add_session failure");
00201       session.gsid = generate_gsid();
00202     } while(_database->reservation_ops.find(session.gsid).first ||
00203             !_database->group_session_ops.insert(session));
00205     for(uid_container::const_iterator && it = msg.participants.begin(),
00206           && end = msg.participants.end(); it != end; ++it)
00207     {
00208       _database->participant_ops.insert_statement->execute(session.gsid, *it);
00209     }
00211     transaction.end();
00212     ++_session_count;
00213     start_group_session(session, msg.payload);
00214   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00215     // TODO: log and recover.
00216   }
00217 }
00222 void GroupSessionService::process_request(MessageCreateReservation & msg,
00223                                           const MessageInfo &)
00224 {
00225   try {
00226     unsigned int count = 0;
00227     const sec_type created(TimeValue::now_seconds());
00228     const sec_type reservation_expires = created + msg.reservation_lifetime;
00229     Reservation reservation(0, created, reservation_expires,
00230                             msg.session_type, msg.session_group,
00231                             msg.session_name, msg.max_observers,
00232                             msg.creator_uid,
00233                             msg.gs_lifetime);
00234     DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00236     do {
00237       // TODO: genericize this for similar services and make the try limit
00238       // configurable.
00239       if(++count > 100)
00240         throw DatabaseException("GroupSession add_reservation failure");
00241       reservation.gsid = generate_gsid();
00242     } while(_database->group_session_ops.find(reservation.gsid).first ||
00243             !insert_reservation(reservation, msg.payload));
00245     _database->reservation_participant_ops.insert_statement->execute(reservation.gsid, msg.creator_uid);
00247     transaction.end();
00248   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00249     // TODO: log and recover.
00250     recount_sessions();
00251   }
00252 }
00254 void
00255 GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageFindGroupSessionsByType & msg,
00256                                      const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00257 {
00258   WISP_IMPORT(protocol_traits, query_list);
00260   try {
00261     MessageReturnGroupSessionsByType result;
00263     // TODO: Is it more efficient to create a dynamic query that does
00264     // WHERE type = ? OR type = ? OR type = ? ...
00265     // Obviously, that is more efficient for an non-embedded database.
00266     for(query_list::const_iterator it = msg.keys.begin(), end = msg.keys.end();
00267         it != end; ++it)
00268       _database->get_sessions_by_type(result.sessions, *it);
00270     _caller.reply<CallReturnGroupSessionsByType>(msginfo.sender(),
00271                                                  msginfo.token(), result,
00272                                                  Message::FIFOSelfDiscard);
00273   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00274     // TODO: log and recover.
00275   }
00276 }
00278 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageFindGroupSessions & msg,
00279                                           const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00280 {
00281   try {
00282     MessageFindGroupSessionsResult result;
00283     result.requestor = msg.requestor;
00284     result.total_sessions = _session_count;
00285     result.limit = msg.limit;
00286     result.offset = msg.offset;
00287     result.gs_name = _gs_name;
00289     _database->find_sessions(result.sessions, msg.limit, msg.offset);
00291     _caller.send<CallFindGroupSessionsResult>(msginfo.sender(), result,
00292                                               Message::CausalSelfDiscard);
00293   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00294     // TODO: log and recover.
00295   }
00296 }
00298 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageFindMembers & msg,
00299                                           const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00300 {
00301   try {
00302     MessageFindMembersResult result;
00304     for(gsid_container::const_iterator it = msg.sessions.begin(),
00305           end = msg.sessions.end(); it != end; ++it)
00306     {
00307       _database->find_participants(result.participants, *it);
00308       _database->find_observers(result.observers, *it);
00309     }
00310     result.requestor = msg.requestor;
00311     _caller.send<CallFindMembersResult>(msginfo.sender(), result,
00312                                         Message::CausalSelfDiscard);
00313   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00314     // TODO: log and recover.
00315   }
00316 }
00318 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageAddMembers & msg,
00319                                           const MessageInfo &)
00320 {
00321   if(!msg.participants.empty() || !msg.observers.empty()) {
00322     try {
00323       DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00324       if(!msg.participants.empty())
00325         _database->participant_ops.insert(msg.participants.begin(),
00326                                           msg.participants.end());
00327       if(!msg.observers.empty())
00328         _database->observer_ops.insert(msg.observers.begin(),
00329                                        msg.observers.end());
00330       transaction.end();
00331     } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00332       // TODO: log and recover.
00333     }
00334   }
00335 }
00337 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageRemoveMembers & msg,
00338                                           const MessageInfo &)
00339 {
00340   if(!msg.participants.empty() || !msg.observers.empty()) {
00341     try {
00342       DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00343       if(!msg.participants.empty())
00344         _database->participant_ops.erase_range(msg.participants.begin(),
00345                                                msg.participants.end());
00346       if(!msg.observers.empty())
00347         _database->observer_ops.erase_range(msg.observers.begin(),
00348                                             msg.observers.end());
00349       transaction.end();
00350     } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00351       // TODO: log and recover.
00352     }
00353   }
00354 }
00356 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageAddMember & msg,
00357                                           const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00358 {
00359   try {
00360     protocol_traits::AddMemberResultCode result_code =
00361       protocol_traits::AddMemberInternalError;
00362     GroupSessionDatabase::GroupSessionOperations::find_result_type
00363       find_result = _database->group_session_ops.find(msg.member.gsid);
00365     if(find_result.first) {
00366       if(!_database->is_member(msg.member.uid, msg.member.gsid)) {
00367         bool success(false);
00369         if(msg.member_type == protocol_traits::Observer) {
00370           const unsigned int max_observers = find_result.second.max_observers;
00372           if(max_observers > 0 &&
00373              _database->count_observers(msg.member.gsid) < max_observers)
00374           {
00375             success = _database->observer_ops.insert(msg.member);
00376           } else
00377             result_code = protocol_traits::AddMemberMaxObserversReached;
00378         } else {
00379           success = _database->participant_ops.insert(msg.member);
00380         }
00382         if(success)
00383           result_code = protocol_traits::AddMemberSuccess;
00384       } else
00385         result_code = protocol_traits::AddMemberDuplicateEntry;
00386     } else
00387       result_code = protocol_traits::AddMemberNonexistentGroupSession;
00389     _caller.sendp<CallAddMemberConfirm>(msginfo.sender(),
00390                                         result_code,
00391                                         msg.member_type,
00392                                         msg.member.uid,
00393                                         _gs_name,
00394                                         find_result.second);
00395   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00396     // TODO: log and recover.
00397     //result_code = protocol_traits::AddMemberInternalError;
00398  }
00399 }
00401 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageRemoveMember & msg,
00402                                           const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00403 {
00404   try {
00405     unsigned int changes = 0;
00407     switch(msg.member_type) {
00408     case GroupSessionProtocol::Participant:
00409       changes = _database->participant_ops.erase(msg.member);
00410       break;
00411     case GroupSessionProtocol::Observer:
00412       changes = _database->observer_ops.erase(msg.member);
00413       break;
00414     }
00416     if(changes > 0) {
00417       GroupSessionDatabase::GroupSessionOperations::find_result_type
00418         find_result = _database->group_session_ops.find(msg.member.gsid);
00420       if(find_result.first) {
00421         _caller.
00422           sendp<CallRemoveMemberConfirm>(msginfo.sender(),
00423                                          msg.member_type, msg.member, _gs_name,
00424                                          find_result.second);
00425       }
00426     }
00427   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00428     // TODO: log and recover.
00429   }
00430 }
00432 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageFindGroupSessionsForMember & msg,
00433                                           const MessageInfo & msginfo)
00434 {
00435   try {
00436     MessageReturnGroupSessionsForMember result;
00437     result.uid = msg.uid;
00438     result.gs_name = _gs_name;
00439     _database->get_participant_sessions(result.participating, msg.uid);
00440     _database->get_observer_sessions(result.observing, msg.uid);
00441     _database->get_participant_reservations(result.awaiting, msg.uid);
00442     _caller.reply<CallReturnGroupSessionsForMember>(msginfo.sender(),
00443                                                     msginfo.token(), result,
00444                                                     Message::FIFOSelfDiscard);
00445   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00446     // TODO: log and recover
00447   }
00448 }
00450 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageRelayEvent & msg,
00451                                           const MessageInfo &)
00452 {
00453   try {
00454     MessageDeliverEvent mde(0);
00455     _database->get_member_uids(mde.keys, msg.gsid);
00457     if(mde.keys.size() > 0) {
00458       mde.template_data = msg.event;
00459       _caller.send<CallDeliverEvent>(msg.event_queue, mde);
00460     }
00461   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00462     // TODO: log and recover
00463   }
00464 }
00466 void
00467 GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageRelayEventSelfDiscard & msg,
00468                                      const MessageInfo &)
00469 {
00470   try {
00471     MessageDeliverEvent mde(0);
00472     _database->get_member_uids_discard(mde.keys, msg.gsid, msg.source);
00474     if(!mde.keys.empty()) {
00475       mde.template_data = msg.event;
00476       _caller.send<CallDeliverEvent>(msg.event_queue, mde);
00477     }
00478   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00479     // TODO: log and recover
00480   }
00481 }
00483 void GroupSessionService::process_request(MessageRelayEvents & msg,
00484                                           const MessageInfo &)
00485 {
00486   try {
00487     MessageDeliverEvents mde(std::move(;
00488     _database->get_member_uids(mde.keys, msg.gsid);
00490     if(mde.keys.size() > 0) {
00491       _caller.send<CallDeliverEvents>(msg.event_queue, mde);
00492     }
00493   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00494     // TODO: log and recover
00495   }
00496 }
00498 void
00499 GroupSessionService::process_request(MessageRelayEventsSelfDiscard & msg,
00500                                      const MessageInfo &)
00501 {
00502   try {
00503     MessageDeliverEvents mde(std::move(;
00504     _database->get_member_uids_discard(mde.keys, msg.gsid, msg.source);
00506     if(!mde.keys.empty()) {
00507       _caller.send<CallDeliverEvents>(msg.event_queue, mde);
00508     }
00509   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00510     // TODO: log and recover
00511   }
00512 }
00514 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageExpireSession & msg,
00515                                           const MessageInfo &)
00516 {
00517   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_WS::web_event_indirect;
00518   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::Properties;
00519   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::primitive_property_vector;
00521   if(!msg.sessions.empty()) {
00522     try {
00523       // TODO: optimize by reducing number of queries, messages, and
00524       //       memory operations.
00525       //       for example, if we add a DeliverEvents message to EventQueue
00526       //       we can batch the delivery of multiple events to different
00527       //       sets of uids.
00528       // Two things are wrong with this implementation:
00529       //   1. It's a brute force approach
00530       //   2. It has direct knowledge of the event queue, which we normally
00531       //      place at the Web service level.
00532       // Brute force approach:
00533       //   1. For each uid, get all members of sessions where uid is
00534       //      a participant or observer, using as keys for a DeliverEvent
00535       //      message.  If keys is non-zero in size, add a web_event called
00536       //      ExpireMember (with protocol type "wspr.GroupSession" (don't
00537       //      hard code that if avoidable)) containing the expired session uid.
00538       for(MessageExpireSession::session_container::const_iterator
00539             && it = msg.sessions.begin(), && end = msg.sessions.end();
00540           it != end; ++it)
00541       {
00542         MessageDeliverEvent mde;
00544         _database->find_members_for_uid(mde.keys, *it);
00546         if(!mde.keys.empty()) {
00547           Properties & event = web_event_indirect(*mde.template_data,
00548                                                   "wspr.GroupSession",
00549                                                   "ExpireMember");
00550           event.set(*it, "uid");
00551           _caller.send<CallDeliverEvent>(WebServiceProtocol::event_queue_ws_group(), mde);
00552         }
00553       }
00554       {
00555         DatabaseTransaction transaction(*_database);
00556         _database->remove_observers_by_uid(msg.sessions.begin(),
00557                                            msg.sessions.end());
00558         transaction.end();
00559       }
00560     } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00561       // TODO: log and recover
00562     }
00563   }
00564 }
00566 void GroupSessionService::process_request(const MessageLoginSession & msg,
00567                                           const MessageInfo &)
00568 {
00569   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_WS::web_event_indirect;
00570   using NS_SSRC_WSPR_UTILITY::Properties;
00572   const uid_type uid(msg.session.uid);
00574   try {
00575     // TODO: optimize
00576     // Two things are wrong with this implementation:
00577     //   1. It's a brute force approach (in the sense that all group session
00578     //      services do a lookup on login)
00579     //   2. It has direct knowledge of the event queue, which we normally
00580     //      place at the Web service level.
00581     MessageDeliverEvent mde;
00582     _database->find_members_for_participant(mde.keys, uid);
00584     if(!mde.keys.empty()) {
00585       Properties & event = web_event_indirect(*mde.template_data,
00586                                               "wspr.GroupSession",
00587                                               "LoginParticipant");
00588       event.set(uid, "uid");
00589       _caller.send<CallDeliverEvent>(WebServiceProtocol::event_queue_ws_group(), mde);
00590     }
00591   } catch(const DatabaseException & de) {
00592     // TODO: log and recover and recover
00593   }
00594 }
00596 /****************************
00597  * Constructors/Destructors *
00598  ****************************/
00606 GroupSessionService::GroupSessionService(super::caller_type & caller,
00607                                          const wisp_message_protocol protocol,
00608                                          GroupSessionDatabase *db, 
00609                                          const GroupSessionInitializer & initializer)
00610   SSRC_DECL_THROW(DatabaseException, std::invalid_argument) :
00611   super(caller),
00612   _protocol_id(protocol),
00613   _partition_id(initializer.partition_id),
00614   _num_partitions(initializer.num_partitions),
00615   _ids_per_expiration_message(initializer.ids_per_expiration_message),
00616   _database(db),
00617   _gsid_min(gsid_min(_protocol_id, _partition_id, _num_partitions)),
00618   _gsid_max(gsid_max(_protocol_id, _partition_id, _num_partitions)),
00619   _random(_gsid_min, _gsid_max),
00620   _gs_poll_interval(initializer.gs_poll_interval, 0),
00621   _gs_poll_timeout(),
00622   _session_count(_database->count_sessions()),
00623   _reservation_count(_database->count_reservations()),
00624   _gs_name(initializer.gs_name)
00625 {
00626   if(_partition_id >= _num_partitions)
00627     SSRC_DECL_THROW(std::invalid_argument("invalid group session partition"));
00629   add_service_type(protocol_traits::service_type());
00631   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageCreateGroupSession);
00632   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageEndGroupSession);
00633   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRelayEvent);
00634   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRelayEventSelfDiscard);
00635   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRelayEvents);
00636   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRelayEventsSelfDiscard);
00637   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageFindGroupSessions);
00638   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageFindGroupSessionsForMember);
00639   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageFindGroupSessionsByType);
00640   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageCreateReservation);
00641   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageCancelReservation);
00642   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageFindMembers);
00643   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageAddMembers);
00644   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRemoveMembers);
00645   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageAddMember);
00646   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageRemoveMember);
00647   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageExpireSession);
00648   WISP_SERVICE_REQUEST(MessageLoginSession);
00649 }

Savarese Software Research Corporation
Copyright © 2006-2011 Savarese Software Research Corporation. All rights reserved.