Savarese Software Research Corporation

Savarese Software Research Corporation is a software research and development company that turns research into open source software and commercial applications.
We perform ongoing research in distributed systems, dynamically reconfigurable software, network systems programming, artificial intelligence, generative programming, high performance computing, distributed objects, service-oriented architectures, asynchronous event-based programming, highly available software, parallel computation, programming languages, data structures and algorithms, real-time systems, mobile code, and other areas.
About the Founder
Daniel Savarese helped develop the first Beowulf Linux cluster at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He founded ORO, Inc., an object-oriented software development company whose products were licensed by IBM, Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Compaq, America Online, and other Fortune 500 companies. He was a Senior Scientist at Caltech's Center for Advanced Computing Research and has worked at numerous startups, serving in every capacity from consultant and technical advisor to Vice President of Software Development. He has published over 125 articles and research papers concerning computer science and software engineering. He was the technical editor for Java Pro magazine and has been a member of the Apache Jakarta and Apache Commons Project Management Committees. Daniel earned a B.S. in astronomy and an M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from the Unversity of Maryland College Park.