Savarese Software Research Corporation
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
FCGIThe FCGI API from <fcgi/fcgiapp.h> is wrapped by the FCGI namespace
LuaThe Lua C API from <lua.hpp> can be accessed via the Lua namespace if required, but it is intended for internal use by the library to avoid polluting the global namespace
SQLite3The SQLite3 API from <sqlite3.h> is wrapped by the SQLite3 namespace
ssrcThe ssrc namespace is an alias intended for use by library users
ssrc::wispersThe ssrc::wispers namespace is an umbrella for the namespaces that implement the Wispers development framework
ssrc::wispers::databaseThe database namespace contains classes that wrap the SQLite embedded database
ssrc::wispers::fcgiThe fcgi namespace contains services that bridge between FCGI requests and the WSPR
ssrc::wispers::fcgi_luaThe fcgi_lua namespace contains classes for writing FCGI services in Lua
ssrc::wispers::group_sessionThe group_session namespace contains classes for managing group sessions
ssrc::wispers::indexThe index namespace contains classes that define the framework for implementing lookup services
ssrc::wispers::loginThe login namespace contains classes implementing the login service
ssrc::wispers::luaThe lua namespace contains support functions for interfacing with the embedded Lua environment
ssrc::wispers::protocolThe protocol namespace contains classes that define the framework for implementing and accessing WSPR service protocols
ssrc::wispers::registryThe registry namespace contains classes implementing the service registry protocol
ssrc::wispers::relayThe relay namespace contains a service that distributes FCGI requests to Web services and renders Web service results
ssrc::wispers::rendererThe renderer namespace contains classes implementing the renderer service
ssrc::wispers::serviceThe service namespace contains classes implementing the general service protocol
ssrc::wispers::sessionThe session namespace contains classes implementing the session manager protocol
ssrc::wispers::testThe test namespace contains classes to facilitate testing Wispers services
ssrc::wispers::utilityThe utility namespace contains utility classes
ssrc::wispers::wsThe ws namespace contains the class framework for building WSPR services that handle HTTP requests
ssrc::wispers::ws_luaThe ws_lua namespace contains classes for writing Web services in Lua

Savarese Software Research Corporation
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