Savarese Software Research Corporation
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 BasicServiceOptions.h This header defines the BasicServiceOptions class
 Caller.h This header defines the Caller class and Wisp communication protocol support classes
 ContinuationCaller.h This header defines the ContinuationCaller class and Wisp communication protocol support classes
 EventHandler.h This header defines the EventHandler class
 EventLoop.h This header defines the EventLoop class
 EventPort.h This header includes a platform-specific EventPort implementation
 index.h This header contains documentation only and is not part of the actual source code
 make_smart_ptr.h This header defines the make_smart_ptr template function
 protocol.h This header includes all of the classes from the ssrc::wisp::protocol namespace
 serialization.h This header defines serialization support classes and functions
 service/service.h This header defines the Service class
 service.h This header includes all of the classes from the ssrc::wisp::service namespace
 service_main.h This header defines the service_main utility function template
 ServiceMainOptions.h This header defines the ServiceMainOptions class
 ServiceOptions.h This header defines the ServiceOptions class
 ServiceProtocol.h This header defines the Wisp protocol framework
 ServiceTestFixture.h Defines a test fixture for writing Wisp service unit tests using Boost.Test
 TimeValue.h This header defines the TimeValue class
 wisp-packages.h This header defines the macros for the package namespaces
 wisp_import.h This header defines the WISP_IMPORT convenience macros
 wisp_struct.h This header defines the WISP_STRUCT generative macro

Savarese Software Research Corporation
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