Savarese Software Research Corporation
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 BaseMessage.h This header defines the BaseMessage class
 Error.h This header defines the Error class
 GroupList.h This header defines the GroupList class
 index.h This header contains documentation only and is not part of the actual source code
 libssrcspread-packages.h This header defines the macros for the package namespaces
 libssrcspread.h This header includes all of the library headers
 Mailbox.h This header defines the Mailbox class
 MembershipInfo.h This header defines the MembershipInfo class
 Message.h This header defines the Message class
 ScatterMessage.h This header defines the ScatterMessage class
 spread.h This header includes all of the Spread toolkit wrapper classes from the ssrc::spread namespace

Savarese Software Research Corporation
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